Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I wouldn't usually post this small of a muskrat but today was a pretty unique situation. I was setting some traps on my boss's land. I put a trap on a cinder block in some deep water right along side a bridge and baited it with skunk essence. After setting the rest of my traps which took about three hours I went back to the four wheeler and just happened to look over the bridge and I saw that I had already caught a muskrat in my trap! Now that's trapping!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A blessed morning

It was another successful morning. Almost made me late for school...then it would have been my hide getting tanned. I caught another Muskrat, a Raccoon and a Magpie. I hate catching magpie's they are dirty and make a mess. It must have been drawn to the coyote lure. Anyway, I'm thankful for the harvest.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Opening of trapping season.

Yesterday I set three conabears for muskrats. Today I caught my first muskrat of the year. Tomorrow I plan to set my land sets for coyote, mink and raccoon.

I hope to trap quite a few this year, I will post more if I do. Last year I made over $50 selling hides.